Tips for setting up a Wi-Fi For Your Business

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Having an office wireless network is important to all levels of businesses. Wi-Fi is has become part and parcel of modern business, it seems for anything to be at an office, there must be an internet connection. 

If your business doesn’t have Wi-Fi, you should consider setting up one using these tips. 


  • Identify your wireless signal coverage area 


This will help you understand the areas in your office that can receive strong signals. For the areas with a weak signal, you should think of boosting the coverage by planting access points.

However, if your office is not too big, you may find that the entire areas have a strong signal, thus, moot the need for access points. 


  • Select proper cable 


Cables are needed to connect the wireless router with WAN, and you will have to choose the right one for your Wi-Fi. 

The most common Ethernet cable is the Cat5, as well as Cat5e, Cat6, and Cat7. The cable you choose depends on the devices you have, for example, Cat5 supports only Fast Ethernet networks while Cat5e supports Gigabit Ethernet. You should also consider the price of the cables. 


  • Joining the cables 


You need cables that will connect the access points to the wireless router. This is the messiest part of installing Wi-Fi for your business. Good news is that you will be just watching from afar while network engineers rack their brains out figuring which cable goes where. 


  • Select suitable Wi-Fi Standard 


Your routers, wireless adapters, and APs should be compatible with the Wi-Fi standard. You can use the advice of the network engineer you hired to install your Wi-Fi when shopping for the routers and APs. 


  • Consider setting up guest Wi-Fi


This will enable the customers to connect to your Wi-Fi when they visit your offices. It can go a long way in enhancing your customer service, so don’t ignore it. 


  • Check and validate your network security 


Test your network security and ensure it works, whether you use firewalls or the Wi-Fi protected security. 


  • Test your Wi-Fi with office devices 


Ensure all your office devices connect the network without any problem. 

Learn more on tips about setting up your business Wi-Fi network