Tips for JavaScript SEO

To ensure that your JavaScript-based website or web app is discoverable by search engines, you should take a few basic steps. To make sure your content is found by users, let’s take a look at some SEO techniques used by UK SEO Company.

1. Write Descriptive Title

Titles should be descriptive and helpful, describing what the page is about in a few words. The title should appear in the <title> tag and preferably in the <h1> tag.

Don’t use generic titles on recipe pages like “Amanda’s Cooking Blog”. Rather, the title of each page should contain the name of the recipe so it’s clear what it’s about.

You should also describe what the page will contain specifically. For instance, what makes this recipe special or what are its main characteristics. Having this information helps people identify the best page for fulfilling the intended goal and allows Google to understand how to match searches with pages.

You can accomplish both of these by adding a title and meta tag to your markup. To find those tags, use the Right click -> Inspect option and search for //title and //meta.

JavaScript renders your page in the browser if you do not see all of the content in the markup. This is called client-side rendering, which is not a problem.

In rendering, data is populated into templates from APIs or databases. Server-side or client-side processing can take place. Crawlers and your users receive all the content immediately as HTML markup when it occurs on the server.

Often, in single-page apps, the server sends the templates and Javascript to the client, and the Javascript then fetches the data from the backend and populates the templates.

2. Linking Your Pages Properly

Linking between your pages properly is another important detail to allow Googlebot to crawl your website. Use the HTML anchor tag with the href attribute to link to the destination URL, and include useful links and text.

Javascript event handlers or other HTML elements such as div or span should not be used for this. In addition to preventing crawlers from finding and following these pseudo links, they also cause problems for assistive technologies.

Search engines and users rely on links to find and understand the relationships between pages on the web. Rather than using #-based routing techniques, use the history API with normal URLs to enhance the transition between individual pages. The use of hashes, also known as fragment identifiers, to distinguish between different pages is a hack that crawlers ignore. For the same purpose, JavaScript history API can be used with normal URLs.

If you are using JavaScript to do client-side routing, make sure you test your pages and server configuration. Your pages will be visited individually by Googlebot. As a result, neither the JavaScript nor the service worker will recognise a previous visit.

Open your URLs in an incognito window to see what a user would see. All expected content should be visible and the page should load with an HTTP 200 status code.

3. Making Use Of A Proper Semantic HTML Markup

When semantic HTML markup is used properly, users can better understand your content and navigate it more easily. Your content’s semantics is also important to assistive technologies such as screen readers and crawlers.

Outline the structure of your content using headings, sections, and paragraphs. To add visuals, use HTML image tags and video tags with captions and alt text. In order to surface this content to your users, you use crawlers and assistive technology.

You should be careful not to accidentally block Googlebot in your initial markup if you use JavaScript SEO services to generate your markup dynamically. JavaScript is not executed during the first round of indexing. In the initial payload, markup such as a noindex meta tag can prevent Googlebot from running the JavaScript stage. These steps will help Googlebot better understand your content and make it more discoverable in Google searches.